Saturday, June 1, 2024

Mein JoeBiden Rumbled Loudly In Georgia

My bigly fat queer ass rumbled loudly this week when Best President Ever Josef Robinet Biden Junior tooted a big long and loud juicy wet fart at a meeting. Heil Hitler-Biden! Heil Hitler-Biden! Heil Hitler-Biden! Heil Hitler-Biden!

Post Authored by the Anti-Mystere Blogger Dervish Sanders DSDA 009



    1. 🔺OH LOOKY LOOKY!🔺

      Assface Dervish wants more ∆§§ in his face!

      Isn't sniffing Joe Biden's bottom enough for you, Ichabod Derwood bin §atan ~ §ander$666?

      Oh wait, you're a perverted horn dog, fixated on Donald Trump's buns and weiner.

  2. Hi Nazi Boy!!!
    Gee you do get the scum to comment at your hate site!! I'm jealous!
    Gee, I wish I could get a Jew hating, fag boy, liar to comment on my blog!
    I guess I have to learn how to suck a cake pop as good as you do to get such greats to comment at my blog! Enjoy sucking his marshmallow wand Nazi Boy!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA. Hey faggot Dervish, I don't need my comments published, because everyone already knows you are a boy boinking pedophile.


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