Thursday, February 29, 2024

I've Been Superly Bigly Busy Lately

I've been superly bigly busy lately.  My spy cameras caught this photo of dotard donald tRump pooping on a gold toilet.  I got a superly bigly hard on when I saw those steamy pictures.  To relieve my bigly hard ons, I put my bigly Hunter Biden vibrator on full speed up my bung hole.

My stiff coq got so superly bigly schlonged that I wet my Bernie panties in public.  I got so excited and got bent.

My bung hole is so superly sexy every time I get a bigly hard on.  I made a hugely superly bigliestly killing at my brothel.

I need more fresh Bernie panties; I keep wetting my panties every time I see a naked dotard donald tRump photo.  Even my Bernie boxers get tight when my hard ons get superly bigly schlonged out.

Post Authored by the Anti-Mystere Blogger Dervish Sanders DSDA 002


  1. I love looking at dotard donald tRump's sexy bigly schlong and bunghole. I get bigly hard-ons when I spy on dotard donald.

    1. Hey Player! That's quite a confession you're giving, Dervish. You're a very sick mutt, Dervish. You need mental help.

    2. That's your fake comment, Mystere. No doubt that is what you'd like to do.

    3. dotard donald has a SMALL schlong, Mystere. Stormy Daniels confirmed it.

    4. Dervish Sanders March 18, 2024 at 3:18 PM
      "dotard donald has a SMALL schlong, Mystere."

      Your obsession over Donald Trump's private parts shows everyone how sick you really are. How long has Sheriff Josh Frey had you registered as a queertard, Dervish?

    5. Sheriff Josh Frey is a bigly Barney Fife dotard Hitler fag loving asshole, Mystere. And no, I'm not on any sex offender registry, unlike you.

  2. My BOINGLY BOING BOING schlong gets bent every time I look at dotard donald's bung hole and hanging schlong. It takes Flarpy Blunderguff's lap dance to bend my BOINGLY BOING BOING back into shape.


Tucker... a right wing extremist  pro d0tard d0n0ld tRump Putin puppet.   ...and a Bigly Putin Butt Boy Pal... Tucker is Putin's Bigly lap...