Saturday, October 5, 2024

Der Todesengel Ist Zurückgekehrt!

Der Todesengel ist zurückgekehrt!

Post Authored by the Anti-†₹μ^^₱†μ₹‽ Blogger Dervish Sanders DSDA 016

Monkey Business...

We can expect more fμ¢‰€¿ μ₱ monkey Business coming our way before the †₹μ^^₱†μ₹‽$ resort to cheating with help from Russian and Chinese spies.  †₹μ^^₱†μ₹‽$ ₱μ|| †#@† §#¡† on US @|| †#€ †¡^^€.


ẞ00^^ ẞ00^^!  ẞ00^^ ẞ00^^!

Don't be surprised if some †₹μ^^₱†μ₹‽ sh‰†s °ff an October §μ₹₱₹¡$€ at d0n-0ld †₹μ^^₱ very soon.

BUH BYE †₹μ^^₱!  BUH BYE †₹μ^^₱!

Post Authored by the Anti-Mystere Blogger Dervish Sanders DSDA 015

posted from Bloggeroid

Tucker... a right wing extremist  pro d0tard d0n0ld tRump Putin puppet.   ...and a Bigly Putin Butt Boy Pal... Tucker is Putin's Bigly lap...